
原发 异常


原发 anomaly is a rare defect in which the tricuspid valve, which prevents backflow of blood from the right ventricle into the right atrium, 是畸形的. The right side of the heart is where deoxygenated blood from the body is pumped into the lungs for oxygenation.


UCSF提供全面的, highly specialized care for adults living with heart defects such as 原发 anomaly. Our dedicated team of experts offers a wide array of services, 包括彻底的医疗评估, 先进的治疗, 长期监测, 以及个性化的饮食建议, 锻炼, 社会心理支持和计划生育.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

原发 anomaly usually consists of the valve being displaced downward into the ventricle. The three flaps, or leaflets, that make up the valve opening are malformed or absent. 这导致血液回流到心房. In addition to the valve malformation, this condition also often includes:

  • 右心室增大
  • 房间隔缺损, a hole between the atrial chambers, in about half of patients
  • 心律失常心律失常或心律失常

Babies born with 原发 anomaly usually are treated surgically in infancy so most adults with the condition only have mild 症状. Often, when 原发 anomaly is first detected during adulthood, the condition is mild. More severe complications can result in heart failure and in cyanosis, in which the skin takes on a bluish tint due to a lack of oxygen. 成年人可能会感到呼吸困难, 有运动方面的问题, 胸痛和晕厥.


Check-ups with a specialist in congenital heart disease in adults would include:

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG), which records the heart's electrical activity
  • 胸部x光检查心脏大小
  • Echocardiogram, which is an ultrasound examination of the heart
  • Exercise test, measures how much oxygen the heart can provide to your muscles while you 锻炼
  • Holter monitor or event recorder in case of arrhythmia
  • 电生理学研究


If the deformity is severe at birth, it may require immediate surgery. 成人病情较轻, treatment may include medications or special procedures to manage arrhythmia. People with 原发 anomaly should be prescribed antibiotics before surgery or dental procedures to protect against endocarditis.

If medication no longer controls 症状 or if the heart enlarges and loses efficiency, 可能需要手术. The surgery may either repair the tricuspid valve or replace it with an artificial valve. It also may involve repairing any associated condition such as atrial septal defect.

如有心律失常, 射频消融术, a procedure in which a burst of energy destroys an abnormal electrical pathway in the heart, 可能是必要的. 很少会植入永久性起搏器.

Adults with 原发 anomaly should be followed regularly by a cardiologist with a special interest in adult congenital heart disease. Yearly echocardiograms are necessary in all but the mildest cases.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



Find commonly asked questions regarding Electrophysiology Study and 导管消融 including, 这个过程是多么漫长啊, 什么时候回去工作等等.


Many people have questions about implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs), including how they work and why a doctor might offer one as part of treatment.


An electrophysiology (EP) study is a test performed to assess the heart's electrical system or activity and is used to diagnose abnormal heartbeats. 了解更多.


心脏是肌肉发达的中空的, constantly pumping blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body and is comprised of four compartments. 了解更多.


Before electrophysiology (EP) study or catheter ablation procedure, please use this list to prepare and ensure your visit is as comfortable as possible.

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